Whether paper or hardback, books can be hard to pack efficiently. If you put too many of them into a box that’s too large, and you’ll quickly find out how heavy books can be. Then, once you’re in your new place, there is the challenge of figuring out where everything goes. But there are ways to avoid these problems.
Start by trimming your shelves. All book-lovers know that it’s impossible to love every book equally. Look at your collection and be honest. Will you read this book again? What books have real sentimental value, and which ones are just random impulse buys? Remember, if you pull a book out of your collection, it will end up in the hands of someone else who will appreciate it as much as you did. Donate everything you don’t keep to the library or sell them to secondhand stores.
Make sure you’ve got the right box size. Never try to pack books into a large box, even if you’re going to have friends or movers who will help you carry them. The standard book box is about 16″ x 12″ x 12″, and should weigh less than 50 lbs. when packed. It’s best to pack loosely, filling the empty spaces with wrapping paper, bubble wrap, or light cloth. Also, don’t pack books with their spines pointed up, which can damage the binding. Lay the biggest books flat on the bottom, and pack the rest vertically with spines pointed to the bottom or facing the sides of the box.
Label the boxes as you go. Whether you sort your shelves alphabetically, according to genre, or you follow the Library of Congress classification system, make sure the boxes are clearly marked. When you unload the truck, you’ll be able to organize the boxes in the right order before you even need to open them.
And remember, Gerber Movers are there to make sure everything arrives in your new home, safe and sound.
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